Fixed Income and Debt

Fixed Income Analysis - Part 1


This eCourse consists of two modules. Module 1 will introduce you to the fundamentals of bonds as a fixed income instrument, covering the key features and terminology associated with these securities in addition to outlining the role of the major players in the market.

Module 2 looks at the ratings attached to high yield debt, the key structures used, and the primary and secondary markets for these assets.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Recognize the key features associated with bonds
- Identify the main issuers and investors in the global bond markets and their respective motivations for issuing/investing
- Recognize how high yield debt is graded by the main ratings agencies and recall how the market for high yield assets developed
- Identify the key structures and features of high yield debt
- List the key participants in the primary and second markets for high yield debt

Content Highlight

Module 1: Bond Markets - An Introduction
Topic 1: Overview of Bonds
Topic 2: Bond Issuers & Investors

Module 2: High Yield Debt
Topic 1: Features of High Yield Debt
Topic 2: High Yield Debt Structures
Topic 3: Markets & Market Players

Administrative Details

SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00