
Custody - Part 1 (2018)


This eCourse consists of two modules on Custody. Custody is a highly specialized activity that is vital for the safekeeping of client assets.

Module 1 looks at the key business areas of custodians and the services they provide. It also examines ancillary activities, such as handling distributions and corporate actions, and the role of custodians in dealing with trade settlement.

Module 2 explores the different individual facets of shareholder servicing in order to provide a holistic breakdown of what is and is not involved in it.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the key business areas of custodians and their main types of client
- Recognize the role of custodians in recordkeeping and safeguarding assets
- Recall how custodians handle trade processing and settlement of client transactions
- List the ancillary services provided by custodians, such as dealing with equity and debt distributions, and other corporate actions for clients
- Identify actions that fall under the remit of shareholder services
- Recognize transfer agency and the duties of transfer agents
- Recognize the function of the registrar
- Identify the differences between paying agents, calculation agents, and determination agents
- Identify depository receipt services

Content Highlight

Module 1: Custody – An Introduction
Topic 1: Business of a Custodian
Topic 2: Recordkeeping & Safekeeping
Topic 3: Role in Trade Processing & Settlement
Topic 4: Ancillary Services

Module 2: Shareholder Servicing
Topic 1: Securities Registration
Topic 2: Miscellaneous Services

Administrative Details

Relevant Subject
SFC:2.00, PWMA:2.00
All Member: HKD600
Non-Member: HKD900
Staff of Corporate Member: HKD600