Fixed Income and Debt

Fixed Income - Part 10


This eCourse consists of two modules. Module 1 provides a high-level overview of municipal bonds and other municipal securities, describing the key types of securities available and their regulation. Municipal bonds and other municipal securities are an important part of the US bond market landscape. They offer municipal issuers a key funding option, enabling the financing of vital infrastructure in American states and cities. They also offer investors valuable, tax-friendly investment vehicles.

Module 2 provides a high-level overview of the process, advantages, and risks of investing in municipal bonds and describes the primary and secondary markets for municipal bonds. Investing in municipal bonds is attractive to a range of investors, including institutions and individuals. Municipal bonds offer investors important benefits, but there are also important risks associated with investing in these instruments.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Define municipal bonds and other municipal debt securities
- Identify the primary features of municipal bonds
- Name and define the major types of municipal bonds, including general obligation bonds and revenue bonds
- Recall the key features of municipal bond regulation
- Name and define the benefits of municipal bonds
- Name and define the risks of municipal bonds
- Identify important tax issues to consider when investing in municipal bonds
- Define the primary municipal bond market
- Define the secondary municipal bond market


Module 1: Municipal Bonds (US) - An Introduction
Topic 1: Municipal Bonds Overview
Topic 2: Municipal Security Types
Topic 3: Regulation

Module 2: Municipal Bonds (US) - An Investing
Topic 1: Municipal Bond Investing Overview
Topic 2: Taxation
Topic 3: Primary Market
Topic 4: Secondary Market


第1類 - 證券交易
第4類 - 就證券提供意見
第9類 - 提供資產管理
第10類 - 提供信貸評級服務
SFC:2.00, PWMA:2.00
所有會員: HKD640
非會員: HKD960
機構會員員工: HKD640