
[Webinar] ESG Data - Pain Points and Investment Opportunities


Despite the rapid traction gained why ESG investments across asset classes, reliable data still remains a major challenge. Data will be critical to drive the mainstream adoption of this important agenda.

In this webinar, you will hear diverse perspectives as well as sharing of practical cases of initiatives and hands-on experiences from one of the largest digital banks in China and a major consulting giant. The webinar will be moderated by Mr. Clarence T'ao, Co-Founding Partner of GoImpact Capital Partners.


To help gain practical insights and leverage in-depth experience of these experts, this webinar will be a ready-to-go resource centre for finance professionals keen to understand more around ESG investments and the shifting trends.

Content Highlight

1. Current landscape and challenges faced by the financial services industry on ESG
2. Overcome ESG Data Gaps - how Deep Tech solutions can help
3. What’s now and next - ESG opportunities on the horizon

Who Should Attend

Portfolio Managers, Investment Advisors, Heads of Sustainability and ESG, Finance industry professionals

Instructor / Speaker

Mr. Huet is a seasoned finance industry expert with in-depth experience around Digital Transformation and Green Finance, gained from top tier institutions like Society Generate, and consulting giant, Capco. He is currently the Principal and Digital Data Lead for APAC region and has advised numerous finance industry clients on holistic aspects of integrating ESG into their offering.
Dr. Wu and his team are leading the Artificial Intelligence and Alternative Data solutions platform in WeBank, the largest digital only bank in China. Prior to this role, he was the Director of AI and Data Science at BlackRock. He is recognised as 35 Innovators Under 35 in China, a ranking made by MIT Technology Review, and also listed as Top 50 Data Scientists in China in 2018. Dr. Wu earned his doctorate at Fudan University as well as Princeton University.

Administrative Details

Date & Time
Thursday, 11 Nov 2021 (12:20 PM - 01:20 PM)
Virtual Platform
SFC:1.00, PWMA:1.00