Corporate Finance

Introduction to Share Schemes


This eCourse is part of the HKEX Listing Rules e-training course series which covers major topics related to listed issuers’ obligations. It introduces the requirements for share schemes under Chapter 17 of the Listing Rules which took effect on 1 January 2023. It also explains the requirements applicable to share schemes involving issuance of new shares and grant of existing shares of listed issuers, as well as share schemes of a subsidiary.


By the end of this eCourse, you will be able to:
- Understand the requirements for share schemes involving issuance of new shares of issuers
- Identify the requirements for share schemes involving grants of existing shares of issuers
- Explain the requirements for share schemes of a subsidiary

Content Highlight

1. Introduction
2. Requirements for share schemes involving issuance of new shares of issuers
- Scheme establishment
- Grants of options/ awards
- Restrictions on options/ awards granted
- Reporting requirements
3. Requirements for share schemes involving grants of existing shares of issuers
4. Requirements for share schemes of a subsidiary

Who Should Attend

The eCourse is primarily targeted at listed companies’ directors, management and compliance staff, market practitioners and professionals.

Administrative Details

Relevant Subject
Type 6 - Advising on corporate finance
Regulatory Compliance
SFC:0.50, PWMA:0.50
All Member: HKD50
Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong (HKCSA): HKD70
Non-Member: HKD100
Staff of Corporate Member: HKD50