The implementation of the virtual asset trading platform (VATP) operators licensing regimes demonstrates Hong Kong's dedication to establishing itself as a leading virtual-asset hub. The adoption of virtual assets is expected to become more widespread. However, the widespread proliferation of virtual assets comes with substantial risks, such as fraud, money laundering and other unauthorised or improper activities associated with various areas of its business.
In this regard, this seminar looks at what approaches can be undertaken to mitigate fraud and money laundering risk for market participants, as well as how to investigate and remediate if problems do occur.
Content Highlight
1. Areas of risk that cryptocurrency market participants face as it relates to fraud and money laundering.
2. What policies and procedures can be implanted to mitigate these risks.
3. What internal controls can be implemented and how these differ from policies and procedures.
4. Investigation of issues when they arise – where to look, what to look for and examples of red flags inclusive of real-life examples of documents.
5. Tracing of crypto asset transactions – how it is possible, the basic process, wallet clustering heuristics, dealing with challenges in the tracing process and limitations of tracing.
6. Remediation efforts that can be undertaken after the event.
Who Should Attend
Asset managers, wealth managers, manager-in-charge, compliance officers, risk manager and financial practitioners who are interested in understanding more about crypto asset compliance, fraud and investigations.
Instructor / Speaker
He brings over 13 years of experience in investigative accounting and disputes leads A&M’s thought leadership group on cryptocurrency in Asia as well as being a founding member of the Crypto Fraud and Asset Recovery network in Hong Kong.
Administrative Details
Type 4 - Advising on securities
Type 9 - Asset management
Ethics / Compliance