Investment and Portfolio Analysis

Asset Allocation - Part 2 (2023)


This eCourse consists of two modules. Module 1 is a video that provides a broad overview of the different asset classes available to investors. Both key characteristics of both mainstream assets, such bonds are equities, and alternative assets, such as currencies and commodities, are described in detail.

Module 2 provides a broad overview of five major types of investable asset class – equities, fixed income, cash & cash equivalents, real estate, and alternative assets.


On completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Define equity and equities, recognize the variety within this universe, and list some of the different ways equities can be grouped
- Identify the main players and some of the key concepts in fixed income investing
- List examples of cash equivalents and recognize the importance of the role of cash in a portfolio
- Identify real estate’s unique features as an asset class, and name the vehicles used to gain exposure
- List the assets commonly grouped under alternative assets

Content Highlight

Module 1: Asset Classes - Primer

Module 2: Asset Classes - Types
Topic 1: Equities
Topic 2: Fixed Income
Topic 3: Cash & Cash Alternatives
Topic 4: Real Estate
Topic 5: Alternative Assets

Administrative Details

Relevant Subject
Type 9 - Asset management
SFC:1.50, PWMA:1.50
All Member: HKD450
Chinese Securities Association of Hong Kong (HKCSA): HKD470
Non-Member: HKD675
Staff of Corporate Member: HKD450